Saturday, 2 June 2007

visually busy.

My boyfriend split up with me, I moved out of his house, I moved in with my mum again for a bit, I lost my job, I ate a lot of nice food and took photos of it. I'm happy anyway, change is exciting, always.
poached eggs (from my grannys chickens) with soda bread and butter and steamed asparagus.
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our fruit bowl.
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smoked trout and blueberry salad
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beetroot juice
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trouts marinating in grapefruit juice just a couple of hours fresh from being caught.
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tropical trout, overdone rice and yummy papaya and white wine sauce.
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Joselle said...

Wow, those dishes all look so amazing!

While I don't have as many pretty pictures as you do, I recently started a food blog with my boyfriend. I'd love for you to check it out.

I hope you're doing well and enjoying summer.

Anonymous said...

that's not soda, it's wheaten!

Sarah said...

I just checked the packet, it says IRISH BROWN SODA BREAD.
then undernath that it says
A classic Irish "wheaten" bread, best served with soups and starters.

wheaten bread is just whole wheat soda bread I think.